On the Brink of Refinement…
So, I did manage to get an appointment (they are so busy!) and their Invisalign assistant at the office scanned for my refinement aligners. Dr. Gallagher noted the changes/improvement in my dentition. Since I started this journey, I have broken a tooth, which has an impact on how my teeth are coming together and therefore affects and complicates the engineering of my refinement aligners.
I do not have my refinement aligners yet, but the office of GKD has informed me that they are on their way. I am eager to get them because I continue to wear my ‘number twenties’ from my original set. I have a Dental Pod (from ZIMA Dental), with sterilizing tablets but I have had them a while and they just are not quite the CLEAR aligners that is the intention. No one notices but me, but I am eager for brand new fresh aligners. Dr. Gallagher and Dr. Kuhn encourage me to be patient.
Teeth are feeling different!
I wear my aligners most of the time, but when they are not in my mouth, I continue to notice how different my teeth feel in relation to one another and to my tongue, I eat and bite more efficiently. I suppose we all have the occasional circumstance of biting our cheek or biting our tongue – but I notice that I am not doing this with the frequency I once did.
I also do not get food stuck between my teeth. As a habit I would always go to the restroom after a meal in a restaurant to ‘check my teeth,’ and there would always be a piece of lettuce, or something stuck between two of my teeth. Now I check my smile and there is nothing 😊
Flossing and brushing…
Flossing and brushing is easier and I have started whitening again. I feel like I am on a ‘break’ as I am in between my first set of aligners and refinement so I thought I would whiten. I am not having any sensitivity and I am happy with the results.
..waiting for my refinement aligners.
I hope that I will get a call from Gallagher and Kuhn Dental Group soon telling me to come in to get my refinement aligners. I look forward to new aligners to move me towards precise placement of all my teeth. I also look forward to the completion of this Invisalign journey so that I can address the care that I need.
From the research that I have done I have learned that Invisalign will get my teeth in a position so that the ‘problems’ can be addressed a bit easier than if my teeth are going in all different directions and are not in good relationship to one another.
Come on phone call, come on refinement…
Louise C.