Invisalign number nine has been fine!
At the start of these aligners, I once again had some discomfort/sensation at tooth number 10. I shared this with Dr. Gallagher and said that I am particularly confused because this tooth is straight and seems to have nice relationships with its neighbors. He shared with me that all my teeth are connected and that sensation in one area does not mean that the tooth that ‘hurts’ is one that needs to change. In this process all my teeth move in relationship to one another to create proper alignment – which means both straight teeth and appropriate bite (I continue to learn). After about 4 days the discomfort diminished. Another mild gripe I have about this situation is CHAPPED LIPS. I suppose the weather is changing, which may also have an effect, but I do not seem to be able to close my lips around my aligners as well as I can without the aligners. Since my mouth is open and my lips are more exposed my lips get chapped. Lucky for me their office gives away free ChapStick.
Now when I am out in public, I stare at everyone’s smile.
I want to ask people whether they wore braces or if they have ever considered Invisalign. I talked to a friend who is also doing Invisalign and asked him how he thought it was going. He was apprehensive to give an opinion because he said he was at the beginning of his journey, number 2 or 3 out of more than 20. He shared that he wore braces when he was a teenager, but that his orthodontic care was in a foreign country. He was living in that country with his family (dad’s work) and had to leave before his braces were supposed to be removed, so he feels it got all messed up. He also shared that wearing braces was not a big deal in the country he was living in because crooked teeth were a sign of youth, and therefore kind of acceptable or desirable. This was over 30 years ago so perhaps things have changed, but it was something I had never heard of before. He shared that his teeth have changed over the years, and he wants a better smile and less crowding on his lower arch. He says that it is difficult for him to clean them and that he has concerns about having bad breath. He has puffy gums and has been told that he is at risk for periodontal disease. He is excited to not only have a better smile, but a healthier mouth. He is a little frustrated because it will take a while but is committed to the process.
This conveys CONFIDENCE!!!
I found out that a colleague had done Invisalign a few years ago. She shared that she had always put herself last, and decided it was time to take care of herself. She is proud of her smile and says that she does not dread dental appointments anymore. Brushing has always gone well, but now she can floss more easily (she says that she used to be afraid she would pull out a filling or cause bleeding). I think she has beautiful teeth, and she laughs and smiles a lot. This conveys confindence!
There is another man I know who did Invisalign about a year ago.
I asked him what he thought, and he shared,
‘I thought that my smile was a lost cause. My teeth were the product of years of neglect. They were a mess. But with Drs Gallagher and Kuhn prescribing me a very specific yet easy program with Invisalign, the possible happened. Today, I have a smile that I never thought possible. A smile that gets noticed. I couldn’t be more thrilled. I thank Drs Gallagher and Kuhn for bringing Invisalign into my life. It’s made all the difference.’
Interesting testimonials from three different people. My conclusion is that people initiate the process of Invisalign because they want a better smile whereas the outcome is far more. After Invisalign there is no doubt that one’s smile looks better, but oral health and easier, better FUTURE care seems to be the real WIN.
As with many things in life…
what starts out as being superficial may not end up that way. The gains are much deeper and longer lasting than the initial intention.
I’m almost halfway there.
Louise C.