We know emergencies happen. So, we make every effort to see dental emergencies right away. Please call our office right away if you are having pain or swelling. Or if you have recently broken a tooth or a tooth has been “knocked out.” We will make every effort to see you right away. If you are having a dental emergency after regular business hours, please call our office (410)857-5660 and listen to the message and call the doctor directly.
If you are having difficulty breathing or swallowing please seek care at the nearest hospital Emergency Room or call 911.
In need of dental insurance? We provide dental care for adults and children without insurance. Our Dental Membership Plan includes an Emergency, you won’t have to pay an additional fee. View our membership page for details.
Dental emergencies can be really scary and stressful, but we’re here to help! Our caring team at Gallagher & Kuhn Dental Group will take care of you quickly and efficiently. We’re located in Westminster, which is easy to get to from all over Carroll County. If you live in Sykesville, Finksburg, Taneytown, or anywhere else in the county, we’re less than a 45-minute drive away. That means you can get the quality emergency dental care you need, fast!